PassFlow Policy

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Environmental Policy

Aim of the environmental policy

NetNodes is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its operations through the adoption of sustainable practices and continual improvement in environmental performance. We accept the ‘Duty of Care’ imposed by legislation as the minimum standard to be set and maintained, and we aim to develop a sustainable business that is financially viable, environmentally sustainable, and socially equitable.

In order to achieve this NetNodes will observe the following practices:​​

  1. Be conscious of the environment beyond our immediate operations and take steps to prevent pollution and minimise environmental harm and nuisance, through:
    • minimising our business travel and focusing on greener travel where possible
    • reducing the consumption of resources such as paper and plastic
    • minimising the volume of waste generated and maximise reuse, recycling, and energy recovery from waste
  2. Monitor and comply with legislation, regulations, and codes of practice on environmental matters relevant to NetNodes’ operations, through:
    • maintaining compliance with ESOS requirements and appropriate regulations
  3. Monitor, review, and continually improve our environmental performance, through:
    • continually reassessing changing technology, business requirements, and best environmental practices
  4. Be proactive in minimising our production of waste and reusing or recycling materials, through:
    • reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and incorporate long-term strategies for energy efficiency into planning and development
  5. Develop sustainable supply chains by using suppliers wherever appropriate that have environmental standards compatible with our own, and to implement the NetNodes Procurement Policy.


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